Our clients get more from their websites, spending less time & money than their competitors.
Our clients get more from their websites, spending less time & money than their competitors.
Official Google Partners
For over 15 years our team of digital experts have helped business of all sizes grow and flourish online. Putting profitability first, our team work alongside your business to grow your online presence and enhance your overall offering so that your website becomes genuine revenue channel.
We don't talk about clicks, we talk about cash.
From Search Engine Optimisation to Social Media, Pay Per Click Advertising to Conversion Funnel Optimisation, our tried and tested approach has helped business across Ireland succeed online. Our straight talking approach to digital marketing is revered by businesses helping them grow and establish themselves in a competitive online market.
Ways to Grow
From technical to manual search engine optimisation, we can help ensure your website is optimised for search engine performance. Utilising the latest technology, our team carry out regular assessments on your organic performance and action necessary changes/updates to ensure your website is the ready to perform its best.
Social Media
Effective use of social media (organic & paid) can help enhance your brand and help acquire customers to your business. Our team of trusted experts can help you build a brand storey and narrative while also promoting your goods & services direct to the audiences that matter most on social media.
Our Google Recognised Team of Pay Per Click Experts provide a comprehensive pay per click management and optimisation service. From Search to Display and even Shopping ads, the correct blend and CPA focused approach is essential to effective Pay Per Click Advertising
Email Marketing
Generate regular repeatable income from your customer base with effective email marketing campaigns. Our team can help advise on software, strategy, graphics and implementation when it comes to effective email marketing.
Analytics & Conversions
Ensuring users can move through your website and take action seamlessly is imperative to success online. Using a range of tools, our team can help identify and correct pinch points in the customer journey and help your business succeed online.
Analysis & Feedback
Our straight-talking approach to digital marketing cuts through the jargon and arms you with the information that matters most to your business goals. Our focus is always on real metrics that matter for your business at a crucial time
Graphic Design
Build trust and increase conversions with professional design. Our design team can revamp your content and key pages to maximise customer interactions.
Ease your growing pains
Ease your growing pains
Sales on my site are not increasing
Our team can audit your current setup and tell you where you are losing out. From there we can develop a digital strategy that increases both value and volume of sales.
Customers can't find my website on google
Your site has to appear for customers when they come looking. This means optimising the site around key phrases and terms that your customers use. Dmac have dedicated SEO professionals to help you get back on track.
I have too much content
A common complaint but one that is almost always misunderstood. There is no such thing as too much content! you just need better architecture. Dmac can help improve your UX and content design to make sure it is both user friendly and Google friendly
I need to link my website to my Epos
Connection to third party systems like Epos or accounts can remove a huge amount of manual labour from your ecommerce process Dmac have integrated successfully with 60+ third party platforms and saved customers thousands of admin hours.
Ease your growing pains bottom image
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Case Study
The Cat & The Moon
Digital Strategy Keyword Planning PPC, Social, Video Web development UX Brand Awareness
Meet your team
Craig Adams
Craig Adams
Digital Marketing
Claire O'Gara
Claire O'Gara
Project Manager
Rachel Coyne
Rachel Coyne
Digital Marketing
Dave McEvoy
Dave McEvoy
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