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Browse our frequently asked questions by category.

Digital Marketing
What integrations are available with Dmac Media?

Down through the years we've integrated our website's with 70+ systems. However we never shy away from new integrations. A full list of integrations we have previously completed are available at our dedicated integrations section. 

Not sure if we can integrate with your chosen system? Speak to a Dmac Account Manager today and get the ansers you need. 

Do you provide digital marketing services?

We are pleased to offer a comprehensive digital marketing to both existing and new clients. Our dedicated digital marketing team have helped 100's of businesses across the country succeed online and have a wealth of experience in both service based and eCommerce businesses. 

Can you manage Google Ads?

As a certified Google Search Partner we can provide a comprehensive, cost effective approach to Google Ads Management. Our team are profit driven. This means that their only goal is to generate sales and enquries for you at the lowest cost possible. 

In 2019, our team managed over €200,000 in ad spend returning in excess of 20,000 transactions and enquiries on behalf of our clients.

Do you carry out search engine optimisation?

We are pleased to offer a full search engine optimisation service.

Our specialist team provide both manual and technical search engine optimisation conforming to latest best practices. We also provide content creation as part of this service, delivering quality, relevant articles to your website. 

What Social Media Marketing services can you provide?

We are pleased to offer a complimentary social media marketing service designed to maximise exposure, engage your audience, grow your brand and ultimately help you convert this audience to customers.

Our fundamental service is paid social campaign management, however we do also provide consultancy and training for businesses looking to upskill current members of staff on social media.

How much does your digital marketing service cost?

Our digital marketing services generally start at €468 + Vat, however this can be tailored down should your business require consultancy or training. 

We generally recommend businesses engage our digital marketing service for a minimum of 3 months at which point we review and assess our efforts, your environment and the viability to proceed further.

Existing Websites
What integrations are available with Dmac Media?

Down through the years we've integrated our website's with 70+ systems. However we never shy away from new integrations. A full list of integrations we have previously completed are available at our dedicated integrations section. 

Not sure if we can integrate with your chosen system? Speak to a Dmac Account Manager today and get the ansers you need. 

Do you do website revamps?

We absolutely do.

We often take tired old sites and give them a fresh look and feel and bring them into 2020's. Please get in touch if you feel your website is begininng to look outdated and in need of some TLC.

Will I be able to add & remove content on a Dmac Website?

Of course. 

All our websites are built on a simple, easy to use content management system, meaning you can update your website as often as you like. In fact, we would encourage you to update it regularly. We've even provide full training before your website goes live, so you are confident in all aspects of managing your new website. 

Can you integrate my website with other service providers?

We absolutely can. 

Infact, down through the years we've integreated our websites with over 40 different service providers. From Payment Processers to Car Directories, we've done it all.

What time frame can I expect on my website project?

We typically aim to have all standard projects live to you in 4 - 6 weeks. Larger, more complex projects can take fractionally longer, somewhere in the region of8 to 10 weeks.

Lead times may change depending on external factors beyond our control. 

What annual costs can I expect for my web project?

All websites projects are subject to annual running costs. While these vary depending on the website, we've shown the entry level annual costs for a Dmac Media website

SSL - €100 + Vat
Domain (.ie) - €29.95 + Vat
Hosting (Basic) - €60 + Vat 
Support - €399 + Vat

How do I pay an invoice?

We accept invoice payment online here

Can I pay for my website monthly?

We have recently launched a Website as a Service package that allows you to spread the cost of your new website out over 12 months. We expect this option to be very popular as you can tailor the services you would like us to provide to meet your needs specifically.

Our Website as a Service Package starts out from just €199 + Vat per Month. 

Do you accept the Local Enterprise Office Trading Online Voucher?

Yes we do. 

We actively encourage small business entering the eCommerce market to participate in the scheme and have been the web designer of choice for numerous businesses across the country under the Trading Online Scheme. 

New Websites
What platform are Dmac Media websites built on?

Most Dmac Media websites are built on the Dmac Content Mangement System, an easy to use, simple to update content management system designed to be used by our grannys. However, we can and have delivered incredible websites on other systems such as Wordpress.

Feel free to get in touch to discuss your System Requirments for your next web project

What integrations are available with Dmac Media?

Down through the years we've integrated our website's with 70+ systems. However we never shy away from new integrations. A full list of integrations we have previously completed are available at our dedicated integrations section. 

Not sure if we can integrate with your chosen system? Speak to a Dmac Account Manager today and get the ansers you need. 

Do you do website revamps?

We absolutely do.

We often take tired old sites and give them a fresh look and feel and bring them into 2020's. Please get in touch if you feel your website is begininng to look outdated and in need of some TLC.

Can I get a no strings quote?

Yes absolutely.

We've created a bespoke quote builder that allows you tailor your quote specifcally for your business. You can even email the quote to yourself without us pestering you.  

Will I be able to add & remove content on a Dmac Website?

Of course. 

All our websites are built on a simple, easy to use content management system, meaning you can update your website as often as you like. In fact, we would encourage you to update it regularly. We've even provide full training before your website goes live, so you are confident in all aspects of managing your new website. 

Can you integrate my website with other service providers?

We absolutely can. 

Infact, down through the years we've integreated our websites with over 40 different service providers. From Payment Processers to Car Directories, we've done it all.

What time frame can I expect on my website project?

We typically aim to have all standard projects live to you in 4 - 6 weeks. Larger, more complex projects can take fractionally longer, somewhere in the region of8 to 10 weeks.

Lead times may change depending on external factors beyond our control. 

What annual costs can I expect for my web project?

All websites projects are subject to annual running costs. While these vary depending on the website, we've shown the entry level annual costs for a Dmac Media website

SSL - €100 + Vat
Domain (.ie) - €29.95 + Vat
Hosting (Basic) - €60 + Vat 
Support - €399 + Vat

Can I pay for my website monthly?

We have recently launched a Website as a Service package that allows you to spread the cost of your new website out over 12 months. We expect this option to be very popular as you can tailor the services you would like us to provide to meet your needs specifically.

Our Website as a Service Package starts out from just €199 + Vat per Month. 

Do you accept the Local Enterprise Office Trading Online Voucher?

Yes we do. 

We actively encourage small business entering the eCommerce market to participate in the scheme and have been the web designer of choice for numerous businesses across the country under the Trading Online Scheme. 

Support & Maintenence
Do you provide maintenance & support?

We are pleased to offer a standalone support packages that provides advice and technical expertise to customers on their domains, hosting, website & digital marketing activites. 

Customers can choose from one of 3 packages that best suits their needs; Basic Support, Hosting Support or Website Support.

Details of what each package entails can be found below. 

What supports can I avail of?

We are pleased to offer a standalone support packages that provides advice and technical expertise to customers on their domains, hosting, website & digital marketing activites. 

Customers can choose from one of 3 packages that best suits their needs; Basic Support, Hosting Support or Website Support.

Details of what each package entails can be found below. 

Are there any limitations to your support packages?

Our support package is limited only to the areas that Dmac Media are expert in.

For instance we can not provide IT Support for local devices such as laptops, smartphones etc. 

How much support can I avail of?

We employ a fair usage policy for all aspects of our support system and is based on the average time and resources our clients require. The fair usage policy limitations are as follows

  • Basic Support - Up to 30 minutes per year 
  • Hosting Support - Up to 1 hour per year
  • Website Support - Up to 6 hours per year. 

Clients Support usage in monitored throughout the year and clients found to be consistently breaching the fair usage policy will be advised as such, and will have the option to pay for additional support hours if deemed necessary. 

What is covered under support?

Support relates to advice or technical actions being carried out in relation to a particular product (domain, hosting, websites etc.) 

Where we are not in direct control of the product we offer our advice and expertise. When we are in control of the product we can carry out direct action. This includes minor tweaks, adjustments or improvements to websites that require less than 1 hour to complete. 

Changes that require more than 1 hour to complete, will be reverted to your account manager for further discussion. 

How do I contact the support team?

If you have identified an issue you would like resolved or would like to make a minor tweak or change to your website or would like advice relating to your website, the best way to have this actioned is to email or logging into the support panel

Every support ticket received is given a unique support ticket number which should be used in future correspondonce relating to the initial issue. 

What is the support process?

Support tickets are monitored during standard office hours and are assigned as appropriate by the support manager. 

Support agents attend tickets during the first and last 30 minutes of every working day to provide responses to questions (advice) or carrying out domain and hosting fixes. 

All other issues and changes will be resolved during production hours through the assignment of a production task and submission the production schedule. 

I've logged an issue, when can I expect a response?

Regardless of the length of time required to resolve a support issue, customers can expect to receive a response from our support team within 1 - 2 working days with an update.

This update will advise on a timeline for action or advice in relation to your issue. 

My issue needs to be resolved sooner than advised, what can I do?

Once a response time has been received, customers are entitled to escalate their issue if they feel the response is not appropriate.

This can be done by requsting a review of the issue or contacting your account manager directly. 

The account manager will then assess the issue, the response time and if deemed appropriate the account manager will escalte the ticket to get a faster resolution. 

How is my data protected when contacting the support team?

We operate a strict data protection policy and as such can only respond to requests regarding our customers if the following the conditions are met:

  1. It is a direct request from the customer from a recognised email address.
  2. It is a direct request from an agent working on behalf of the customer that has been approved (in writing) by the customer. 
  3. It is a direct requst from an agent with recognised authority for the customer. 

In practical terms, the person sending the request must be known to Dmac as an agent of the customer. 

Data protection polices do not allow for verbal authorisation of any agent or request. 

What support options are on offer?

We are delighted to offer our customers 3 support packages, details of which can be found below:

Basic Support
Cost: Free
Fair Usage Limit: Up to 30 Minutes per year. 
This is the default level of support for any Dmac Customer. All support queries will be charged on a pay as you go basis. 

Hosting Support
Cost: €60 + VAT per year
Fair Usage Limit: Up to 1 hour per year. 
This covers changes to domain or hosting setting (including emails). Any queries received not related to domain, hosting or billing will be assessed and charged accordingly. 

Website Support
Cost:€399 + VAT per year. 
Fair Usage Limit: Up to 6 hours per year. 
In addition the domain and hosting support, customers can avail of telephone and email support for their website. This can be used to get advice or direct action under any of the following Dmac Services:

  • Training
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Development
  • Digital Marketing

Bespoke Support
Cost: €78 + VAT per hour.
Fair Usage Limit:  Subject to agreed hours
For intensive users, Dmac Mdia will provide a bespoke support package based on the average number of support hours required per year. The Bespoke Support Package is only offered to customers who have outgrown the website support package. 

Who manages my email?

A question we receive very frequently and for which there is a quick and easy solution. To identify who the best point of contact for your email is we recommend a visitor to

Checking who controls your domain name is a good place to start when it comes to identifying who manages your email.

What is my incoming mail server settings?

For mail accounts hosted by Dmac Media your incoming sever setttings should be: mail.(your domain name)

For mail accounts not hosted by Dmac Media, we recommend you contact your local IT Support team.

I can receive mail but I cannot send mail. What I can I do?

Check that your outgoing mail server setting is set to one provided by your Internet Service Provider(ISP). You can find an up to date list of the most common ISPs outgoing mail if you google 'Irish ISP outgoing server settings'

What can I do if I have lost the password for the administration section of my website?

Use the forgot password link on the login page. An email will be sent out to you with instructions on how to reset your password.

If your website does not have a forgot password link, you can email from an email address associated with your account.