Des McLoughlin of Trojan IT explores his experience of the Dmac Media Partnership Programme.

Being one of our longest standing Partners, Trojan IT and their clients benefit from having access to web development and digital marketing expertise through their partnership with Dmac Media.

Trojan IT was established over 30 years ago in Boyle, Co Roscommon and to date they have completed over 1,500 projects with 500 active clients. They provide Business Management Software and Managed IT Services that help clients transform their business. They have helped companies to leverage software solutions to allow them to operate more efficiently.
The Partnership
The Partnership
Throughout the years, Trojan IT and Dmac Media have forged a strong relationship which has allowed both companies to grow and meet the dynamic requirements of their clients.
The alliance between Trojan IT and Dmac Media began when a mutual client required an online presence along with business management software. The team at Trojan IT provided the accounting and stock control systems while Dmac Media were commissioned to design and develop the website. From this project, both parties were able to see the advantages of having two systems that worked seamlessly with each other. Both companies also have a very similar client base so it had all the signs of a perfect pairing from the start.

The success of the partnership has been determined by the trust and communication between both companies. By having the same aspirations and vision to provide dedicated solutions to clients, the collaboration between Trojan IT and Dmac Media continues to enhance the experience of both companies’ clients.
The Results
The Results
Trojan IT’s partnership with Dmac Media has gone from strength to strength over the last number of years.
The team at Trojan IT are satisfied knowing that their systems are integrated consistently with their clients’ websites. Trojan IT now have a trusted web partner that they can rely on to deliver for both them and their clients.

As a result, Dmac Media have greater insight and access to software that has driven consistent results for businesses and the ability to offer such integrations to both existing clients and potential customers. Dmac Media have also gained new clients on the strength of recommendations from Trojan IT and similarly, we are always confident in referring them to help take a client’s business to the next level and achieve it’s potential.

Trojan IT and Dmac Media have successfully combined different skill sets to provide clients with a comprehensive solution. This link between software providers and website developers has the potential to remove the burden of website issues and system integrations to allow all parties to keep doing what they do best.


“We can bring Dmac Media to meet our clients and they will in turn advise them accordingly and we’re happy we know that they are getting good advice.”

Des McLoughlin, Trojan IT.


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